The Lord is truly blessing my ministry. He has given an open door in some high schools to spray the gospel.
At the beginning of this year, I had given out 38 devotional journals to read each morning in 38 classrooms. I have put 38 students in charge to read the devotion journal every morning and they gladly agreed to do that.
Another blessing is the Bible club that we begun 3 weeks ago in one of the junior high schools. This is main junior high school of the area with 1825 students.
We started the Bible study with 53 students but it grows fast until yesterday we had over 145 students attended it. They are listened very well and they ask lots of questions. A lot of them had made a profession of faith.
It has been crazy busy but we are blessed by seeing the fruits.
I am so thankful to the Lord for such opportunities and especially for the opned door of the Bible study in the public school.
Your prayers and supports have made these possible and they are tremendous blessing to me.
Please, continue your prayers that the Lord may do a great work of salvation among these young people.