Welcome to our website! We are the Yaovi and Gentille Kpogno. We are grateful to be serving the Lord in Togo, West Africa. Our desire is to be vessels that God will use for His glory to shine the LIGHT of the GOSPEL to the lost souls in Togo through Preaching and Church Planting. Please look around to learn about the ministry that God has given us.
God has laid on my heart a burden to bring the Togolese to the knowledge of Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. I long to teach my people how to grow in the knowledge of the LORD and to have a personal relationship with God. It is my passion to identify and train those who called for the Lord’s service and to see churches planted throughout Togo and Africa. Below are a few elements of the ministry God has called us to:
This will be our main focus and God has already given us the foundation for our first established church plant.
Togo is a very youthful nation with many opportunities to share the gospel with the next generation. God has laid it on my heart to start a Christian school as a tool to evangelize the youth of our country. One of our current ministries with the children is VBS-styled outreach that we host when school is out.
Our vision is to train Togolese Christian workers to teach the Bible and to partner in future church planting efforts.
In order to provide a Christian environment to the needy children of Togo, the plan is to build a children’s home.
Our goal is to see laborers in gospel not only sent throughout Togo, but also

Togo is a small country in West Africa that covers around 22,000 square miles (or slightly smaller than the state of West Virginia). Togo is home to around 9 million people, with 33% of the population practicing traditional voodoo. Other religious affiliations include 48% Christian (the majority of this being Catholic and Charismatic Movement among whom there is sometimes a mix with traditional beliefs) and 18% practice Islam. We have few Bible-believing churches that are preaching the true gospel.
Our current church plant is located in a growing suburb of Djagble which is outside the capital city of Lome.

Hillsdale Baptist Church in Tampa, FL serves as my sending church. Dr. Travis Smith is the pastor. They are located at 6201 Ehrlich Rd, Tampa, FL 33625. Their contact is (813) 884-8250.
Our email is: yaovi@togogospellight.org
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